Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ed Clive - Kevin Burton Smith

"Created by Leigh Brackett (1915-1978)
"She was wearing a white raincoat with the hood thrown back. There were raindrops caught in her soft black hair, but the drops in her thick lashes never came out of a Los Angeles sky. Her arms went around him, tight. He kissed her. 'Hello, tramp.' ""

"EDMOND CLIVE's your classic, wounded-romantic Chandleresque private eye. Wearing his world-weary heart on his sleeve, with a soft spot for the underdog, Ed stalks the same mean streets of Los Angeles as Marlowe, although he seems to be doing a bit better than ol' Phil, at least financially. He has a partner and a secretary, and even a headline or two, after he cracks a case in San Francisco. He can quote Shakespeare, and take a beating."

4 out of 5

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